Storage & Cloud

Whether you are an international corporation or a small, single-office business, digital storage can be one of the biggest challenges as you work to expand.
Traditionally, keeping up with the demands of your storage needs meant adding servers and physical hard drives in your office. Instead, using cloud storage you are now able to increase your business file capacity without worrying about physical restrictions. Cloud technology has given business owners new possibilities when it comes to storing files securely and with Zeekhelp IT on your side your cloud storage solution can be configured to fit your needs.
Having a cloud system built into your business organization means setting up a turn-key solution for all your data access needs. When Zeekhelp sets up your cloud servers, we configure everything to match your industry needs. This involves use of the latest 256 bit encryption, redundant backups to ensure your data remains safe, and other enterprise-level features that provide for your security and data integrity.
Of course, beyond the storage capacity and advantages of using cloud for secure file management, you also have the added benefit of access. Setting up remote users, you can allow all or some of your employees to access the cloud from outside the office. So long as they have a data network, they can access the storage system and manage files. This brings usability to a new level, allowing employees who might be unable to make it to the office to continue their work remotely. And, since you can manage who has access in this way, you limit costs and keep the system running efficiently.

With 15 years of experience in a commercial setting and a CompTIA A+ certification, you can trust our team to handle your storage needs professionally. So, when your business is looking for a cloud storage solution to ensure data is properly secured, call us or contact us to get an estimate.


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